Happy Chemicals (Neuroscience)
PSYCAP builds Psychological Capital – be happy at work – meet your happy chemicals. We spend a lot of time discussing ways to be happier – maintain close friendships, look on the bright side, drink more water. But we don’t often think about how we feel happiness. Did you know that the warmth you…
The cascade effects of exercise
Just do it! Are Nikes words of wisdom. Have you ever wondered why you feel so good after exercising – it’s because you have activated your feel-good chemicals and your body is saying thank-you! Furthermore, exercise is shown to have a cascade effect permeating into other aspects of your life, creating more positive events. Read the science
How does lifestyle contribute to mental health?
There is a growing body of research that suggests that dysfunction and pathologies are often developed through poor lifestyle choices. This sounds quite scary as it amounts to the understanding that I am responsible for making myself sick and unhappy!!! Conversely, these scientists propose Therapeutic Lifestyle Changes (TLC’s) to promote well-being – can I choose this? Read the science.
Positive emotions broaden and build into other aspects of your life
Did you know that if you made a choice to do something positive and life-affirming it will automatically permeate into other aspects of your life – these choices create a behavioural activation that broaden and build to enhance well-being and positive affectivity. Read the science